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G503 WWII 1942 Ford GPW Army Jeep Type I Radio Suppression

This article describes the Electrical Type I Filter Suppression Capacitor researched by Mark Tombleson.

This article applies to Ford GPW WWII Military Jeeps 

1. Although Nabholtz shows as Type I suppression ending in Dec 43 with MB's type I suppression was in Ford GPW's until about Oct 44. Here is a list of filters that you need for the Type I Suppression.
FM GPW 18936-A filter, mounted to dash side of voltage regulator

2. FM GPW 18935-A filter unit, .1 MFD, generator ground to armature circuit mounts on the screw for the generator ground and attaches to the armature terminal of the generator.

3. FM GPW 18960-B Fillterette. This mounts under the glove box dash.

4. The internals of the filterette above are shown here.

Note: Manufacturers could be as follows :
-Early Tobe hinged

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